
How To Make Strawberry Ice Cream Easily At Home

Strawberry Ice Cream At Home

A favourite summertime treat is homemade strawberry ice cream! Made with only basic ingredients, this has a vibrant strawberry flavour. Extremely cool and creamy.

A bowl of fresh strawberry ice cream

My spouse once offered to assist a man in our church who was moving out of his home.  Everything was being donated to Goodwill, and he was going to California to be closer to his family. 

There were an enormous number of items left behind by housemates because he had rented out rooms in his house. This man let all the assistants take everything they desired. 

First, Ian didn’t anticipate receiving anything; he was just glad to assist him. The initial find, however, was a massive white box bearing the words Cuisinart printed on it. Peering inside, he saw that it was a brand-new food processor, still securely wrapped in plastic and Styrofoam.

He was aware that I already owned a Cuisinart food processor (which I took from my mom), but he believed we could sell it or that I would get spoiled having two!

Before bringing it inside to take a closer look, I let it sit in our garage for a few weeks. When I opened it and discovered a Cuisinart ice cream maker, I was blown away! 

An incredibly pleasant, albeit basic, ice cream maker! I started writing up some recipes right away, and this strawberry ice cream is just fantastic. It also comes together quickly and is quite simple.

How to Prepare Strawberry Ice Cream at Home

  • Puree the strawberries in a food processor. It all comes down to personal preference and the desired texture of your strawberries. 
  • Thus, pulse for as long as necessary to achieve the desired uniformity. My preference is for mine to be extremely smooth.
  • Put the pureed strawberries in a big bowl and mix in the sugar.
  • After mixing thoroughly, let it rest for five minutes, or until the sugar has completely dissolved.
  • Stir in milk, heavy cream, and vanilla after that.
  • Blend until thoroughly mixed.
  • Pour into your ready-to-churn ice cream maker and process for 20 minutes, or as specified by the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • At this stage, you can serve it softly. Pour it into a big, airtight container and freeze for 2-4 hours, or until totally frozen if you want it firmer and scoopable.
Strawberry Ice Cream


  • Two cups of freshly washed and hulled strawberries
  • one cup of granulated sugar 
  • one teaspoon of pure vanilla extract
  • One and a half cups heavy cream and one cup 2% milk


  • Place the strawberries in a food processor and purée.
  • Put the pureed strawberries in a big bowl and mix in the sugar.
  • After mixing thoroughly, let it rest for five minutes, or until the sugar has completely dissolved.
  • Stir in milk, heavy cream, and vanilla after that. Blend until thoroughly blended.
  • Pour into your ready-to-churn ice cream maker and process for 20 minutes, or as specified by the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • At this stage, you can serve it softly.  Pour it into a big, airtight container and freeze for 2-4 hours, or until totally frozen if you want it firmer and scoopable.

Special Note For Strawberry Ice Cream Lover

Savour the delectable harmony of rich sweetness and vivid strawberry flavour! With its captivating allure, each scoop captivates hearts with tales of summer bliss.

Enter a world of unadulterated joy, where each taste is an expression of your affection for strawberry ice cream. Savor the bliss!”

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